When I was surprised with a “pack for 10 days, four hotels, 20 hours of travel (one way), and temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees”…hmmm where are we going? Yay! I love surprises… except I packed two 70 pound suitcases; a girl needs options, right? At the airport I found out we were heading to... Continue reading →
Let's talk about the concerns with ingestible supplements. There is such a thing as too much with vitamins. Ingesting high doses of certain vitamins (like Vitamin A) may cause a condition called hypervitaminosis, also known as vitamin toxicity. Hypervitaminosis is often caused by taking large amounts of these vitamins over an extended period of time but can... Continue reading →
Why you should switch up your workout routine. Have you hit a fitness plateau? No longer seeing results and maybe bored? Well, I can help with that. Your body, like your mind need consent stimulation and let’s say you have been jogging on the treadmill for 6 months and after 3 months you are no... Continue reading →
Cool Chic Easy Breezy Summer Style Do you want to look and feel cool, comfy and chic in this summer heat? Let me suggest some of my favorite fabrics and breezy outfits. White is the only color that does not attract the heat because white clothing reflects all wavelengths of light. So, try wearing white... Continue reading →
Make up pallet with brushes and candles
Simple Summer Skin I don’t feel the need to wear heavy make-up ever but especially in the summer when it is hot and sticky outside. So, I lighten it up, minimalistic is best for me when it comes to putting your face on in the heat. As soon as I wake up, I spray Avene... Continue reading →
Spend a long weekend in Montauk, NY…to some it is a surf town, a fishing village, a romantic get-away or a family vacation. I assure you one thing. You will not be disappointed, keep reading for what do in Montauk for an extended weekend… Montauk is called “the end of the world” because it is... Continue reading →
There is no sugar coating this, parenting is amazing, messy, fun, challenging and my favorite people in my world are my kids. I have to remember every day that I am a work in progress and so are my kids. We parents forget that. I need their forgiveness, patience and grace everyday just like my... Continue reading →
Take a Trip To Door County, WI When it comes to lake-life-long-weekends most Midwesterners have been to Door County. It is located on the Northeastern peninsula that juts out from Wisconsin. To the rest of the country, this place is relatively unheard of, or if you have heard of it, you haven’t taken the time... Continue reading →
Most people would assume that Vail, Colorado is a ski town. Well, it is from November to April but in the summertime it is a picturesque gem that you will want to include in your summer travel plans as a couple or a family! We only had three days and 4 nights, but we managed... Continue reading →
Aspen, Aspen, Aspen… Late March 2021 I crossed Aspen, Colorado off my bucket list. As you know, I am Canadian.  I spent 10 years in Vancouver and skied Whistler too many times to count. I also spent 18 months in Banff and Lake Louise, so I thought I experienced skiing at its best in North... Continue reading →
Do you ever close your eyes and envision a life you’ve always wanted to live and do all the things you’ve always wanted to do? I wonder how many of us are actually living that life? What is holding us back from achieving our “gold life”? Our stellar life? Of course, not one person is... Continue reading →
I love that we set aside a whole day to honor and celebrate the women who raised us. My mom is an amazing mother who taught me and my brother that a strong woman can raise a family, have a career, and be an incredible support system for her sisters and our entire family.  She... Continue reading →
It never seizes to amaze me how powerful women can be when we support each other, work together, and share our stories. Women supporting women. It simply doesn’t get better than that. When we authentically have that mindset of cheering each other on instead of competing and comparing, we are unstoppable! That’s the mindset of... Continue reading →
Invest in yourself, yes, but I mean this in a few different ways. Invest in yourself mentally & physically by practicing selfcare AND in your future self by investing financially. Women take the weight of their worlds on their shoulders. They have 10 plates spinning in the air and so often we don’t invest in... Continue reading →
Hope & Faith – Equally Mighty! These past 14 months have been nothing like we have ever experienced. At times it was discouraging, difficult, and devastating and all that we have to hold onto is hope. Hope that our world will heal, and hope that human beings will live their truth and be kind and... Continue reading →
What you eat and put on your skin affects your external self. So why do we eat processed food, refined sugar, canned goods full of sodium, and shelved goods from the grocery aisle that expire in three years? Gross right? It is extremely important to look at expiration dates on the bread you buy and... Continue reading →
Do you have the Wanderlust bug? There is something stellar about taking a road trip with your girlfriends: those late-night chats, blasting the words to your favorite songs (in tune or not), dancing in circles with your arms in the air, swapping clothes, and sharing random thoughts and sacred secrets. There is also something special... Continue reading →
Two of the most rewarding and the most challenging roles women take on are being the CEO of your family and your own business. During the pandemic most of us had to make it all work somehow, tackle the transition from moving our office into the home, home schooling kids, juggling conference calls and laundry,... Continue reading →
We’re all are looking for little more fun in our lives these days, especially after the year we’ve all experienced and figuring out how to navigate during this pandemic. Who thought we would be so excited that indoor dining resumed and that movie theatres re-opened? Concerts and large gathering have been halted but the mindset... Continue reading →
We at STELLARGIRL are on a mission. A mission to be the champion of your own life while supporting each other. Together, we are co-inspirers who elevate others by exemplifying a healthy, happy and adventurous life. We also make a difference. A difference to women and girls who need a voice. A voice to be... Continue reading →
Accessories can take an outfit from ordinary to extraordinary.  Also, they are one of the most affordable ways to keep up with the trends or to feel more refined. For me I don’t “match” my metals (I wear both yellow gold and silver on the same wrist), I never match my belt with my shoes... Continue reading →
I know we have all heard this before, but it is so true. You have to love yourself and create your own happiness. No one, and I mean no one can do it for you. The love of your life can make you happier, your kids and family can bring you joy beyond measure but,... Continue reading →
I was at a leadership course about 5 years ago and was given a piece of paper and pencil and asked to simply write down the 5 most important things in my life. #1 being the most important and then #2 etc.  After about 5 minutes we were asked to share our answers with the... Continue reading →
I was at a leadership course over a decade ago and was given a piece of paper and pencil and asked to simply write down the 5 most important things in my life. #1 being the most important and then #2 etc.  After about 5 minutes we were asked to share our answers with the... Continue reading →
Dear Stellargirls, Our Glimmer Lotion is scientifically linked to optimism, happiness and positivity! Yay! A quote from SHAPE magazine Dec 2020 “Glitter makeup is fun and flattering, and you're actually programmed to be attracted to it, according to the journal Ecological Psychology. Humans subconsciously associate things that sparkle with water, which shimmers in the light and... Continue reading →
Stellargirls, Every Thanksgiving is about being thankful and grateful for all our blessings in life. Our friends, family, pets, our health and happiness should never be taken for granted. As we continue to be affected by the pandemic and confusion over celebrating with our own household or having big family gathering, we should still celebrate... Continue reading →
Dear Stellargirls, I know that everybody and every body is different. But here is what works for me. I am a creature of habit. Every single morning, I wake up drink at least a cup of water before my mug of coffee. Now, I know it should be warm water with lemon but let’s face... Continue reading →
Dear Stellargirls, Totally take a microvacation. You will be surprised how much you can do with 48-72 hours. Many of us can’t take off work or get away without the kids for a longer period of time, but with a mini-vaca, you can rejuvenate and escape! Choose your next one as soon as you get... Continue reading →
Stellargirls, My sacred secret relationship. Whenever I go to “order again” on my amazon app, I never think perhaps I should change up my signature scent, try something new, check out the best sellers. Nope, not a chance in h@#.  I’ve read enough fashion magazines to smear the paper sample from the ad pages over... Continue reading →
Stellargirls, What does that mean? For me it is knowing what makes my heart healthy and my mind calm. I need a good sweat. Exercise is my anchor and I found that starting my day with it supports my emotional muscle.  I prefer HIIT training or bootcamp over a 10K run but that’s exactly why... Continue reading →
Stellargirls, I love to eat. But do you really know what you are putting into our bodies? I don’t count calories nor follow Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian, Flexitarian, Gluten Free, Dairy Free or Raw eating regimens. I eat as clean as I can. So somedays I eat chicken and salad, sometimes a bacon, egg, avocado... Continue reading →
Stellargirls, I have a fashion crush…... I am obsessed with maxi skirts. My obsession began in ballet class when I was five. The students had to wear tights, a leotard, and a stiff itchy pink tutu, but my ballet mistress always wore a long, beautiful, flowy black wrap skirt. Her skirt cascaded when she gracefully... Continue reading →
Stellargirls, I am definitely no “skinfluencer” that is for sure.  I grew up using Sea Breeze toner, yes that really “dates” me but it’s not as crazy as when my friends and I applied baby oil to our skin and laid out on the grass with tinfoil taped to cardboard to get the best reflection... Continue reading →
Dear Stellargirls, Change up your workout, keep your body guessing with this Stellargirl strong Hour of Power! Here is a simple way to start. Download the gymboss app. Set the timer for 40 seconds / 20 seconds. It will beep so you don’t have to check a watch or your phone. If you prefer the... Continue reading →
Dear Stellargirls, Quench your body from the inside out and you will shine like the sun!  Hydrate with water and lots of it. If you are exercising daily drink at least a gallon a day. 8 glasses of water just isn’t enough. Try 4 liters! Don’t wait until you are thirsty! Don’t be waterproof! Drink... Continue reading →

Dear Stellargirls, A piece of clothing tells a story when you can revisit the place where you found it just by putting it on or pulling out of your closet. When I travel, I purposefully seek out locally owned boutiques so that whenever I put on that piece of jewelry from Dubai, my favorite sundress…

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Stellargirls, Style isn’t just in the way we dress, it’s how you walk, talk and show who and what you are. Your style also shows through how you decorate your home, your office or what type of car or bike you have. Stellargirl style speaks volumes without words, your clothes call to you and  make you... Continue reading →
Dear Stellargirls, As a business owner, mom of four, and a woman who travels every week for work, I always make time for fitness. Our bodies are meant to move! It is proven that daily exercise reduces stress, improves sleep, and helps us live longer. Who wouldn’t want to be in a stellar mood? To... Continue reading →

Dear Stellargirls, Stellargirls soar!  Our attitude towards genuine wellness is a happy, healthy, and confident self. We live out our quest by being active, fitting into our own mold, and looking beyond what popular culture deems as “perfect.” Stellargirls thrive with vitality because we eat smart (but who doesn’t love a little chocolate?!), and we…

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Dear Stellargirls, Stellargirls soar!  Our attitude towards genuine wellness is a happy, healthy, and confident self. We live out our quest by being active, fitting into our own mold, and looking beyond what popular culture deems as “perfect.” Stellargirls thrive with vitality because we eat smart (but who doesn’t love a little chocolate?!), and we…

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Dear Stellargirls, My journey is just that. Mine. It’s littered with a roller-coaster of ups and downs, but I have learned so much along the way. I wouldn’t change it for anything. In the end it’s what made me who I am.. It doesn’t matter what you do in life, just live the stellar life!

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Dear Stellargirls, Travel is a big part of my life and through Stellargirl we all have the opportunity to share those experiences with each other as we explore new cities and countries! I believe travel is truly a great unifier; an act that allows us to take on new views and perspectives. I want to…

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Dear Stellargirls, My beauty routine is simple. My morning ritual begins with the rise of the sun and a strong cup of coffee! After that I sip a glass of warm water with lemon and a splash of apple cider vinegar. My face receives a spritz of Avene mineral spring water and a splash of…

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Dear Stellargirls, My beauty routine is simple. My morning ritual begins with the rise of the sun and a strong cup of coffee! After that I sip a glass of warm water with lemon and a splash of apple cider vinegar. My face receives a spritz of Avene mineral spring water and a splash of…

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Dear Stellargirls, My journey is just that. Mine. It’s littered with a roller-coaster of ups and downs, but I have learned so much along the way. I wouldn’t change it for anything. In the end it’s what made me who I am.. It doesn’t matter what you do in life, just live the stellar life!

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Dear Stellargirls, A piece of clothing tells a story when you can revisit the place where you found it just by putting it on or pulling out of your closet. When I travel, I purposefully seek out locally owned boutiques so that whenever I put on that piece of jewelry from Dubai, my favorite sundress…

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Dear Stellargirls, Travel is a big part of my life and through Stellargirl we all have the opportunity to share those experiences with each other as we explore new cities and countries! I believe travel is truly a great unifier; an act that allows us to take on new views and perspectives. I want to…

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Newly Launched STELLARGIRL Blanc de Blancs Sparkling Wine